Monday, May 18, 2015

Overnight Hike 2015

We successfully cooked meals for 50+ people, two nights in a row, up at Munsee.  Some of the damage included 10 lb. of bacon, 15 lb. of ground beef for Alaska burgers, over 125 eggs, and way too many onions for our liking.  We cried.

What was the biggest challenge you experienced in our task to cook for so many?  Why do you think it might be difficult to make food in large quantities that pleases everyone?  How do you think we did?


  1. The biggest challenge I experienced while trying to cook for so many was cutting onions. I had to cut at least 6-8 onions and each onion seemed stronger than the last. There were times when I would just start to cry and had to walk away when cutting because of how strong they were. I think it may be difficult to make food in large quantities to please everyone because everyone likes different things. You have to make enough to please everyone. I think we did a good job because there were barley any left overs.

  2. The biggest challenge for me was that I had to make 4 cakes for all the people there. It was difficult because if you messed up on one part the whole thing could be ruined, like if I put in too much water, or if I didn't stir the whip cream long enough. It's also hard to cook for that many people because it has to be something a majority of them has to like them. But overall I think we did a really great job.

  3. I feel my biggest challenge was frying the bacon. A couple of strips would not have been a big deal, but we were frying 10 pounds of bacon! On top of being in the middle of a smoke storm, I was hit with a barrage of scalding bacon grease. My focus during that horrible experience was not burning the bacon because I wanted people to enjoy the food they were consuming. Overall, I feel we did a great job, aside from the fact that not everyone got to enjoy the bacon because of greedy people (John Paul);the people that got to eat our food gave us great compliments.

  4. During our trip to Munsee, the cooking class was responsible for cooking dinner for the trail staff. I wasn't faced with many difficulties other than cutting onions, frying bacon, etc. Overall, I think the class did a great job and had little to no challenges. Also the fact that these challenges could of been overcame, shows that we didn't really struggle. It can be difficult to make food in large quantities mainly because your forced to go with popular demand. For example, we made all cheese burgers and no regular hamburgers. This can be dangerous because we didn't know who wanted what. In the long run, we did a more that great job and we're constantly complimented on our good work and outstanding cooking. I wouldn't mind cooking for mass amounts of people again.

  5. The greatest challenge for me was working the grill. From turning the grill on to the last batch of burgers was a hassle. Since most of us did not know how to turn that type of grill on we struggled at first. Once turning the grill on, the biggest challenge was on the rise. The fumes from the grill everytime I lifted the hood would engulf my nostrils and send a burning chill through my body. The fumes had gotten on my clothes and even stained Myles' Under Armour jacket. Above all of this, the pesky workers of the trail and midshipmen would try and peek at what was being cooked. In general, this was the hardest to cook but everyone enjoyed the burgers the most. I felt accomplished knowing that everyone like the burgers.

  6. The biggest challenge we experienced in our task was cutting so many onions. My eyes were suffering so much from them and my allergies. Another challenge was dodging the grease that was constantly flying around when we were cooking the bacon. Its difficult to make food for so many reasons because it takes a tremendous amount of time to prepare the food for so many people. Also we had to create a menu with a variety of foods to cater to different people's taste. In the end I think we did a fantastic job and satisfied everyone.
