Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Diseases That Can Come from Eating the Wrong Foods

There are many foods that we eat every day that we feel attached to, foods like pizza, burgers, chicken, pasta, etc. We all love the taste that each of these foods have, but with the wonderful taste comes unhealthiness. Every year, approximately 1.5 million people die from diseases such as diabetes, heart attack and stroke. These diseases can come from a wide range of things, but for the purposes of this article I will only talk about the foods that can cause these diseases.
                It’s not necessarily true that one can get diabetes or a heart attack just from eating a certain type of food, but if one excessively eats that certain type of food, then they are at risk of developing these diseases.
Refined Grains
During the process used to make refined grains, much of the grain’s vitamin, mineral, fiber and protein content is lost. As a result, refined grains have a high glycemic index, meaning they cause your blood-sugar levels to rise rapidly and demand more of the hormone insulin from your body. And Diabetes comes when the pancreas can’t produce enough insulin.
Foods with Added Sugars
These foods also have a high glycemic affect.
High-Fat Meats and Dairy Products
High-fat meats and dairy products are top sources of saturated fat, an unhealthy fat linked with an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Heart Attack
Fried chicken
Fried chicken is a known cholesterol and fat powerhouse, which are some leading causes of a heart attack.
Sausages have a lot of fat and sodium, which can clog up your arteries.
Burgers also have a lot of calories, fat and sodium as well.
Doughnuts have a lot of fat, sugar and carbohydrates.

Crackers, chips, and store-bought pastries and baked goods
Muffins, doughnuts, chips, crackers, and many other baked goods are high in trans fats. Trans fats are dangerous artery-blockers.
Smoked and processed meats
The preserving processes of different meats leave them packed with sodium, and the preservatives used to keep them from going bad are known to diectly damage blood vessels.
So, in order to prevent these diseases, it is imperative to watch how much of these unhealthy foods we consume!

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