Friday, May 17, 2013

Well-Sweep Herb Farm

We visited the best farm in the state, the Well-Sweep Herb Farm in Port Murray, on Thursday.  The property is beautiful and a great example of New Jersey's farming heritage.  The Hydes, who own the farm, both sell their plants and chickens as well as grow enough food for themselves to eat.  I learn something new every year (we've been visiting for 8 years now), and look forward to the trip each May.

What did you learn at Well-Sweep?  What interested you?  What new questions do you have (if any) now that you have visited?


  1. I learned alot about different types of herbs. I was really fascinated with one of the plants in particular, because when you chew it, it numbs your mouth. I would like to use the plant in the future when I have mouth pain because I believe that it works better than medicine in my opinion. I am curious to find out about the medicinal purposes of other types of herbs.

  2. On this trip I learned a lot more about plants than I thought I was going to. There was two plants that really got my attention. One was a leaf that when you chewed it your mouth would go numb. The second plant was called horsetail and the crazy thing is this plant can be used to smooth things out or as a nail filer. The farm really showed me that plants can actually do more things than just look nice. I am glad I was able to go see the farm and I would love to do it again.

  3. This trip was honestly a lot of fun. We learned about the uses of many plants as well as ones that we see everyday. I never knew that the weed plants around Leahy house could be used as treatment for a bee sting. It's very interesting how things around us could be so useful but yet most of us are not educated on such useful ideas. I would like to learn about other plants that could be as useful in different situations. Hopefully one day I can go back and visit so I can ask them about the uses of other plants.

  4. I greatly enjoyed the herb garden. Mr. Hyde was a great guide and gave us a lot of things to touch,eat, and see. I liked the plants the closed when we touched it and the lamb's ear which was soft. I even bought a lamb's ear plant.

  5. I learned a plethora of interesting things when our class visited the herb farm. Seeing, smelling, touching and eating different plants introduced me a whole new world involving some specific plants. I also really enjoyed the atmosphere of the farm. It seemed so relaxing and simple and that really stood out to me since I've always been around a more city or suburban setting. Overall I really enjoyed this experience and it really gave me a better understanding of herbs and how they are used.

  6. Last week when we visited the farm I learned many things that I never learned before. I never new how plants can be used in many different ways, there are many different plant that can be used to creat medicine and help pain. I also learned that you can combine different planets together to creat hole new plant. I had a great time at the farm and it was a great experience.

  7. I had a great time at the farm, I also learned so much about plants. The owner of the farm was so nice and welcoming ,soon as I walked on the farmer's property I felt welcomed by all the staff. While walking around the farm I got to see chickens, cats, dogs ,crickets and sheeps....WHAT A GREAT EXPERIENCE !!!! We city folk are missing alot :)
